Delinea Research Reveals that Ransomware Is Back on the Rise As Cybercriminals’ Motivation Shifts to Data Exfiltration

Delinea Research Reveals that Ransomware Is Back on the Rise As Cybercriminals' Motivation Shifts to Data Exfiltration

February 1, 2024 at 05:08PM

Delinea’s “State of Ransomware” report for 2024 reveals an increase in cybercriminals’ tactics, with a shift towards exfiltrating sensitive data and threatening to sell it on the darknet or leverage it for cyber insurance payments. Ransomware attacks are on the rise, targeting mid-sized companies the most. Organizations need to bolster defenses to mitigate unauthorized access and improve cybersecurity postures. To access the full report, visit

Key Takeaways from “State of Ransomware 2024” Meeting Notes:
– Ransomware attacks are on the rise again and cybercriminals have shifted their strategy to focus on exfiltrating sensitive data.
– The report outlines significant increases in ransomware incidents, particularly affecting mid-sized companies.
– There is a notable surge in data exfiltration becoming the preferred goal for cyber attackers, while traditional monetary motivations have declined.
– Cybercriminals have shifted tactics away from email and are now targeting cloud and compromised applications to remain undetected longer.
– The meeting notes highlight the need for a layered security approach to combat ransomware attacks, particularly emphasizing the critical role of privileged access in overall cybersecurity strategies.

The information presented in the meeting notes emphasizes the evolving nature of ransomware attacks and the need for organizations to adapt their security measures to combat these changing tactics.

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