Check if you’re in Google Chrome’s third-party cookie phaseout test

Check if you're in Google Chrome's third-party cookie phaseout test

February 3, 2024 at 02:18PM

Google is testing the reduction of third-party cookies on Chrome, affecting 1% of users. This change aims to enhance privacy while allowing personalized ads. Users can check if they’re part of the test by looking for an “eye” icon, accessing Tracking Protection dialog, Chrome DevTools alerts, or by checking for settings changes. If not part of the test but interested, users can manually enable tracking protection.

Based on the meeting notes, it seems that Google is phasing out third-party cookies on Chrome, with 1% of users being tested initially. Here are some key takeaways:

1. Google has started testing the phasing out of third-party cookies on Chrome, impacting around 30 million users or 1% of its user base.

2. The move away from third-party cookies is in line with Google’s aim to prioritize user privacy while still enabling personalized advertising through its Privacy Sandbox APIs.

3. Users in the 1% testing group can identify their inclusion through various indicators such as the “eye” icon in the address bar, Tracking Protection dialog, Chrome DevTools alerts, and settings changes.

4. Those not part of the initial test can manually enable tracking protection by accessing chrome://flags and turning on the “Test Third Party Cookie Phaseout” flag.

5. Depending on the test results and impact on website display, Google plans to gradually phase out third-party cookies for all users by the third quarter of 2024.

If you need further clarification or assistance on any of these points, please feel free to ask.

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