Glupteba Botnet Evades Detection with Undocumented UEFI Bootkit

Glupteba Botnet Evades Detection with Undocumented UEFI Bootkit

February 13, 2024 at 09:39AM

Glupteba, a sophisticated information stealer and backdoor, has incorporated an undocumented UEFI bootkit feature, enhancing its stealth and persistence. The malware is capable of illicit cryptocurrency mining, proxy deployment, and various malicious activities. Distributed through complex infection chains, Glupteba demonstrates modern cybercriminals’ innovation, collaboration, and adaptation to evade detection.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. Glupteba botnet has incorporated a previously undocumented UEFI bootkit feature, adding sophistication and stealth to the malware.
2. The malware is a fully-featured information stealer and backdoor capable of illicit cryptocurrency mining and deploying proxy components on infected hosts.
3. It leverages the Bitcoin blockchain as a backup command-and-control system, making it resilient to takedown efforts.
4. Glupteba is distributed as part of a complex infection chain spreading several malware families at the same time, often starting with a PrivateLoader or SmokeLoader infection.
5. The malware is actively maintained and demonstrates complexity and adaptability exhibited by modern cybercriminals.

If you need further details or summary, feel free to ask.

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