News farm impersonates 60+ major outlets: BBC, CNN, CNBC, Guardian…

News farm impersonates 60+ major outlets: BBC, CNN, CNBC, Guardian...

March 2, 2024 at 11:35AM

BleepingComputer uncovered a network of over 60 fake “news” websites masquerading as major media outlets such as BBC and CNN. The operation, traced back to India, reposts articles from credible sources without permission and engages in spamming for SEO and selling ad slots. The complete list of domains and cautionary advice is provided.

Based on the meeting notes, it is evident that BleepingComputer has discovered a significant content farm operation with over 60 domains impersonating popular media outlets. The operation, traced to India, reposts articles from credible sources without attribution, spam forums for SEO, and deceptively sells advertorial slots at high prices.

Furthermore, the operators maintain a Google News and social media presence for these counterfeit sites and may be associated with online gambling and sports betting ventures.

Given the complex nature of this network, it’s challenging to determine if its activities will remain limited to SEO building and deceptive advertising or evolve into disseminating fake news and disinformation.

The meeting notes advise that any content or news from these websites should not be trusted and should be independently fact-checked. Additionally, the copyrighted content they are reposting is subject to potential legal disputes.

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