IP address X-posure now a feature on Musk’s social media platform

IP address X-posure now a feature on Musk's social media platform

March 5, 2024 at 11:27AM

Audio and video calling features initially for X Premium users on Elon Musk’s Twitter are now available to all users, but concerns about IP exposure have emerged. Enabling the features could potentially expose users to trolls and make tracking easier. Enhanced call privacy is disabled by default, and users are advised to disable audio and video calling for safety.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. Video and audio calling features on X Premium users added last year have been expanded to all users, but there are concerns about user privacy and IP exposure.
2. Users have complained about the default on feature, which exposes user IP addresses and may make it easier for users to be tracked.
3. X admits that audio and video calling exposes user IPs and the enhanced call privacy feature is disabled by default.
4. There are concerns about the lack of encryption or security for calls, potentially exposing users to X and the chance that calls could be listened in on.
5. Recommendations include disabling audio and video calling for the safest use of X, especially for Free X users who can only call people they have previously sent a private message to.
6. The call features are a bit buried and might be difficult to find in X’s menus, and the steps to navigate to the settings in the Twitter app have been outlined.

These are the main points from the meeting notes. Let me know if you need further clarification or assistance.

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