Chinese APT Hacks 48 Government Organizations

Chinese APT Hacks 48 Government Organizations

March 19, 2024 at 09:57AM

A hacking group, Earth Krahang, believed to be linked to the Chinese company I-Soon, has compromised numerous foreign government entities. The group is accused of conducting cyberespionage and targeting over 70 organizations across 23 countries, primarily in Asia and America. They have used various tactics, including spear-phishing emails and deploying malicious tools like Cobalt Strike. Trend Micro advises organizations to strengthen security measures.

The meeting notes indicate that an advanced persistent threat (APT) actor, known as Earth Krahang, with strong connections to the Chinese government, has been conducting extensive cyberespionage targeting various government entities and organizations worldwide. The group has compromised numerous organizations across multiple sectors and countries, using a variety of techniques such as spear-phishing emails, server compromises, and the deployment of custom backdoors and malware.

This information calls for heightened awareness and adherence to security best practices within organizations, particularly in relation to social engineering attacks. It is recommended that employees and individuals associated with organizations undergo education on recognizing and preventing such attacks.

Additionally, it is worth noting the potential connection between Earth Krahang and the Chinese company I-Soon, as well as the presence of other Chinese threat actors with overlapping infrastructure and tactics. This suggests a larger and more organized effort by Chinese entities in conducting cyber operations.

Overall, the meeting notes underscore the importance of staying vigilant and implementing robust cybersecurity measures to defend against such sophisticated and targeted cyber threats.

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