Lost Crypto Wallet? New Firm Promises Ethical, Transparent and Inexpensive Recovery

Lost Crypto Wallet? New Firm Promises Ethical, Transparent and Inexpensive Recovery

March 21, 2024 at 04:24PM

Praefortis, a new company founded in 2024, aims to ethically recover lost or forgotten crypto wallet passwords, offering a lower fee structure than other alternatives. It was formed by experts Jim Carden and Wesley Brandi, who combine digital forensics and coding expertise in their password recovery method. The company emphasizes trust and transparency.

The meeting notes provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges associated with managing crypto wallet passwords, as well as the introduction of Praefortis, a new company offering ethical and transparent recovery services for lost or forgotten wallet passwords with a unique pricing model. Praefortis was founded in March 2024 by two experts, Jim Carden (CEO) and Wesley Brandi (CTO), who bring diverse backgrounds in cyber investigations and top-level coding expertise.

Praefortis offers an approach that leverages comprehensive digital forensic investigation methods to recover lost wallet passwords, while maintaining an emphasis on trust and transparency. This method involves investigating a wide range of digital devices and data to reconstruct the original password for the wallet. The company’s pricing model is based on a percentage of the recovered funds, with a maximum fee of $15,000, providing a more cost-effective option for recovering high-value assets compared to other alternatives.

The company operates by engaging with law firms, allowing them to oversee ethical practice and payment to Praefortis on behalf of their clients. This unique approach addresses potential concerns about trust and the security of customer data during the recovery process. Praefortis’ comprehensive digital investigation approach, combined with its transparent and cost-effective pricing, presents a compelling value proposition for individuals facing the loss of a valuable crypto wallet password.

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