How Pentesting-as-a-Service can Reduce Overall Security Costs

How Pentesting-as-a-Service can Reduce Overall Security Costs

March 28, 2024 at 11:47AM

Traditional penetration testing, while important, can lead to hidden costs and inefficiencies. Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) offers continuous monitoring, real-time testing, and enhanced collaboration. It provides more significant ROI and reduces the total costs of security. Outpost24’s PTaaS solution is a robust alternative to traditional pen testing, better protecting businesses and budgets.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. Classic pen testing involves employing white hat hackers to simulate cyberattacks and identify security vulnerabilities in web applications.
2. Classic pen testing may not keep pace with the fast-paced DevOps processes, leading to delays in the development process.
3. Pen tests have hidden costs including the cost of the organization’s time, expertise, and resources, making the true cost significantly higher than the initial quote.
4. PTaaS is a cloud-native, semi-automated service that provides continuous security monitoring and on-demand pen testing, offering benefits such as real-time testing, faster delivery, enhanced ROI, and ongoing reporting.
5. PTaaS solutions offer improved collaboration between DevOps and SecOps organizations and allow for validation of remediation efforts.
6. Adopting a PTaaS solution can better protect the organization’s applications and data while controlling security costs.

The meeting notes highlight the potential risks and hidden costs associated with classic pen testing and emphasize the benefits of adopting a PTaaS solution for improved security and cost-effectiveness.

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