INC Ransom claims to be behind ‘cyber incident’ at UK city council

INC Ransom claims to be behind 'cyber incident' at UK city council

April 2, 2024 at 07:22AM

The cyber skids at INC Ransom claim responsibility for a cybersecurity incident at Leicester City Council, mentioning the theft of 3 TB of data. INC Ransom used “flashing” tactics to pressure the council. While recovery efforts are ongoing, many online services are back, but the council remains silent on data compromise. INC Ransom has a history of double extortion attacks.

From the meeting notes, here are the key takeaways:

1. The cybercrime gang, INC Ransom, claimed responsibility for a cybersecurity incident at Leicester City Council, stating they stole 3 TB of data, a claim consistent with their double extortion model.
2. The council’s recovery efforts have been ongoing since a system shutdown on March 7, and most systems and service portals are now back online.
3. The council remains noncommittal about whether any data was compromised, citing ongoing criminal investigations.
4. INC Ransom has also claimed responsibility for an attack on NHS Dumfries and Galloway, indicating a pattern of targeting sensitive data.

These takeaways provide a clear understanding of the current situation and the potential implications for both Leicester City Council and NHS Dumfries and Galloway.

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