Reconsider Your CNAPP Strategy Using These 5 Scenarios

Reconsider Your CNAPP Strategy Using These 5 Scenarios

April 5, 2024 at 08:04AM

Multicloud security presents complex challenges, demanding correlation of numerous daily security alerts across platforms. Prioritizing native solutions like cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPPs), enables seamless integration and robust protection for cloud workloads. CNAPPs offer solutions for monitoring, detecting threats, scalable coverage, integrating with pipelines, and maintaining access-related risks, making them a valuable addition to the cloud security portfolio.

Based on the meeting notes, it is clear that the focus was on discussing the benefits and capabilities of using cloud-native security solutions, particularly cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPPs). The main takeaway from the meeting is the recommendation to prioritize native security solutions that seamlessly embed within the multicloud environment, as they offer several advantages over third-party solutions in various use cases.

The meeting highlighted key use cases where cloud-native solutions have a natural edge over third-party solutions:
1. Monitoring the cloud management layer closely, as third-party solutions face limitations in integration with this layer.
2. Detecting near real-time threats with minimal impact on workloads, particularly in detecting malware and sensitive data in native storage and database services.
3. Ensuring inherent coverage of workloads as organizations scale or modernize, without requiring additional agents.
4. Integrating with native pipelines for code repository level validation and risk checking.
5. Maintaining access-related blast radius, as native solutions integrate with other cloud services and leverage predefined roles, reducing the need for additional monitoring requirements.

The meeting stressed that CNAPPs provide a unique value proposition for integrating into the cloud security portfolio, either as the primary solution or as a complement to existing cloud security posture management.

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