Identifying third-party risk

Identifying third-party risk

April 15, 2024 at 04:06AM

Webinar featuring Andy Grayland, CISO at Silobreaker, will address the rising third-party risk in busy supply chains. It focuses on the importance of protecting against cyber threats posed by third-party partners and how to use threat intelligence to identify and mitigate risks. The webinar will be held on 18 April. Sponsored by Silobreaker.

Certainly! From the meeting notes, key takeaways include:
– Cybercriminals are targeting busy supply chains as a potential entry point for breaching privacy.
– Third-party risk may be under-reported and should be a focus for threat intelligence defenses.
– The webinar on 18 April at 3pm BST will address using threat intelligence to identify and mitigate third-party risks.
– Understanding how to collect and correlate data, and leveraging it to minimize and manage risks is important for organizations.
– The webinar is sponsored by Silobreaker.

These are the main points that can be summarized from the meeting notes. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to add or modify.

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