Blinken: Digital Solidarity Is ‘North Star’ for US Policy

Blinken: Digital Solidarity Is 'North Star' for US Policy

May 7, 2024 at 08:40AM

US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced a federal initiative, the US International Cyberspace and Digital Policy Strategy, to establish international norms for digital technology, emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity and democratic values. He urged global participation and highlighted the need for digital solidarity to counter strategic rivals and foster cooperation in technology and diplomacy.

Meeting Takeaways:

1. The US International Cyberspace and Digital Policy Strategy is launched by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to establish international norms around security, privacy, and new technology.
2. Key emphasis was placed on the importance of maintaining cybersecurity and establishing global cyber norms, exemplified by actions against China and Iran for cyberattacks.
3. The United States seeks partnerships with countries and companies sharing the vision of global digital solidarity.
4. There is a focus on the importance of global cooperation, especially in areas of high-tech policy such as biotech, clean energy, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing.
5. Urgent action for digital solidarity was highlighted, particularly in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, where collaboration aided in enhancing cybersecurity and protecting vital government data.

These key takeaways reflect the Secretary of State’s commitment to promoting a secure, open, and collaborative global technological landscape through the US International Cyberspace and Digital Policy Strategy, emphasizing the importance of digital solidarity and the proactive role of the United States and its allies in shaping the international cybersecurity landscape.

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