Scammers Fake DocuSign Templates to Blackmail & Steal From Companies

Scammers Fake DocuSign Templates to Blackmail & Steal From Companies

May 15, 2024 at 04:44PM

Phishing attacks mimicking legitimate DocuSign requests are on the rise due to the availability of fake templates and login credentials in the underground market. Attackers leverage the familiarity of DocuSign emails to trick users into revealing sensitive information. Companies are at risk of data theft and extortion, and employees should stay vigilant and verify suspicious emails.

From the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. Phishing emails mimicking DocuSign are on the rise due to a thriving underground marketplace for fake templates and login credentials.

2. The popularity and generic nature of DocuSign emails make them a prime target for phishing attacks as users are conditioned to click on them without much thought.

3. Attackers can either craft legitimate-looking DocuSign email and document templates from scratch or purchase ready-made malicious ones from online marketplaces for as little as $10.

4. With access to cheap login credentials, hackers can probe employees’ DocuSign histories to gather sensitive documentation for extortion or sale to other attackers.

5. To prevent such attacks, Abnormal Security recommends that employees remain vigilant for suspicious email sender and link addresses, impersonal email greetings, uncharacteristically short DocuSign security codes, and unanticipated documents, and open documents directly from the company’s website rather than via email. Additionally, they should verify the legitimacy of emails by contacting the sender directly.

These are the clear takeaways from the provided meeting notes on the rising threat of phishing emails mimicking DocuSign.

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