2.4 Million Impacted by WebTPA Data Breach

2.4 Million Impacted by WebTPA Data Breach

May 20, 2024 at 08:27AM

WebTPA Employer Services, based in Irving, Texas, experienced a data breach affecting 2.4 million individuals’ personal information. The breach occurred between April 18 and April 23, 2023, and compromised names, contact information, dates of birth, insurance details, and Social Security numbers. Fortunately, financial and health data was not affected. WebTPA has enhanced its network security and is offering two years of free identity monitoring to those impacted. The company has informed relevant authorities and provided notifications to affected individuals. Multiple lawsuits have been filed against WebTPA.

Key takeaways from the meeting notes:

– WebTPA Employer Services, a health insurance and benefits plans third-party administrator based in Irving, Texas, disclosed a data breach impacting the personal information of over 2.4 million individuals.
– The cyber incident was discovered on December 28, 2023, and it involved the theft of personal information such as names, contact info, dates of birth, dates of death, insurance information, and Social Security numbers from April 18 to April 23, 2023.
– Notably, financial information, credit card numbers, and health and medical information were not affected by the breach.
– WebTPA promptly informed benefit plans and insurance companies and worked diligently to determine the extent of the impacted data, providing this information to relevant parties on March 25, 2024.
– The company has enhanced the security of its network and is providing the affected individuals with two years of free identity monitoring services.
– WebTPA has notified the relevant authorities, including informing the US Department of Health and Human Services, and has sent written notifications to the affected individuals, along with submissions to authorities in different states.
– The breach has impacted numerous clients and organizations, and several lawsuits have been filed against WebTPA in relation to the breach.

Additionally, the meeting notes mention other data breach incidents related to MediSecure, Nissan, and a healthcare provider in Mississippi.

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