Shady ‘Merry-Go-Round’ Ad Fraud Network Leaves Orgs Hemorrhaging Cash

Shady 'Merry-Go-Round' Ad Fraud Network Leaves Orgs Hemorrhaging Cash

May 30, 2024 at 09:04AM

Researchers discovered two ad fraud rings called “Merry-Go-Round,” which redirect millions of online ads daily to shady websites. At its peak, the operation fed 782 million ads per day, but currently serves 200 million. Using complex techniques to evade detection, the fraudsters exploit flaws in online ad placement, causing substantial losses for companies. Vigilant partnership oversight can aid in fraud prevention.

Key Takeaways from the Meeting Notes:

1. Researchers discovered two ad fraud rings redirecting hundreds of millions of online ads daily to low-quality websites, naming them “Merry-Go-Round.”
2. Merry-Go-Round’s scale and operation are significant, with 200 million ads per day currently being served, down from the peak of 782 million.
3. The rings use overlaying techniques, redirecting users to new browser windows while cycling between domains to serve a large volume of ads, making it difficult for detection.
4. Various anti-detection techniques are employed, such as cloaking and instructions to search engines to avoid detection.
5. Advertisers are advised to avoid outsourcing ad placement and to know their inventory sources to minimize the risk of falling victim to such scams.

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