Dangerous Liaisons: The Interaction Between Threat Actors and High-Risk Devices

Dangerous Liaisons: The Interaction Between Threat Actors and High-Risk Devices

June 11, 2024 at 08:03AM

Forescout annually analyzes and presents risk scores for various devices based on configuration, behavior, and function. The score quantifies the risk of a dangerous liaison between threat actors and vulnerable devices. The report aims to increase awareness and prompt urgent attention to specific devices. It is based on fresh data and highlights China as having the highest average device risk.

From the meeting notes, it is clear that Forescout annually analyzes and presents a risk score for different types of devices based on three factors: configuration, behavior, and function. These factors combined determine the overall risk of a device. The report aims to drive awareness and highlight devices that require attention, rather than provide a predictive or action plan.

The devices are categorized as IT, IoT, OT, and IoMT, and the top three verticals with the riskiest devices are technology, education, and manufacturing.

Forescout’s analysis led by Rik Ferguson also emphasized the increasing risk posed by network infrastructure devices, as well as the motivations and focus of threat actors. Additionally, the report revealed improvements in the healthcare industry’s security posture, leading to a decrease in risky devices.

Geographically, China has the highest average device risk, with Canada, the USA, and the UK also noted for their device risk levels.

The report’s timeframe is recent, based on telemetry between January 2024 and April 2024, making it highly relevant in the present context.

Overall, the meeting notes provide insights into Forescout’s approach to identifying and categorizing risky devices, as well as the relevance and impact of their annual risk analysis.

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