Omdia Report: Trend Disclosed 60% of Vulnerabilities

Omdia Report: Trend Disclosed 60% of Vulnerabilities

June 25, 2024 at 08:14AM

The latest Omdia Vulnerability Report highlights Trend Micro™ Zero Day Initiative’s significant role in cybersecurity, spearheading 60% of 2023 disclosures. This underscores Trend’s comprehensive threat coverage, proactive risk mitigation, and trustworthiness. Leveraging Trend’s expertise can help organizations effectively manage attack surface risk and stay ahead of potential cyber threats.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) spearheaded 60% of the vulnerability disclosures in 2023, demonstrating its significant role in identifying security flaws across various platforms and technologies.

2. Trend’s ZDI program encourages the reporting of 0-day vulnerabilities privately to affected vendors by financially rewarding researchers, and its proactive approach to vulnerability management helps organizations stay ahead of potential threats.

3. The program’s significance lies in its comprehensive threat coverage, breaking down of vulnerabilities by severity, proactive risk mitigation, and the trust and reliability it builds through its disclosures.

4. Leveraging Trend Micro for managing enterprise attack surface risk offers comprehensive protection, innovative solutions, and global reach for addressing cybersecurity challenges.

Overall, Trend Micro’s ZDI plays a pivotal role in the cybersecurity landscape and offers proactive and comprehensive solutions for safeguarding digital assets against emerging cyber risks.

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