CISA: Most critical open source projects not using memory safe code

CISA: Most critical open source projects not using memory safe code

June 26, 2024 at 01:59PM

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released a report exploring memory flaws in 172 key open-source projects. It reveals that over half of these projects contain memory-unsafe code, emphasizing the importance of memory-safe languages like Rust, Java, and Go. CISA recommends safe coding practices and continuous testing to address memory safety issues.

Meeting Notes Takeaways:

1. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), in collaboration with the FBI, Australian (ASD, ACSC), and Canadian (CCCS) organizations, published a report on the susceptibility of 172 key open-source projects to memory flaws.

2. The report emphasizes the significance of memory safety in preventing common memory-related errors and highlights the use of memory-safe languages to achieve this.

3. Memory-safe languages, such as Rust, Java, and GO, automatically manage memory, preventing memory-related errors, unlike memory-unsafe languages like C, C++, Objective-C, Assembly, Cython, and D.

4. The report reveals that over half of the analyzed open-source projects contain memory-unsafe code, with notable examples such as Linux, Tor, Chromium, MySQL Server, glibc, Redis, SystemD, and Electron.

5. CISA recognizes challenges faced by software developers, including resource constraints and performance requirements, leading to the use of memory-unsafe languages for critical functionalities like networking, cryptography, and operating system functions.

6. CISA recommends that new code be written in memory-safe languages and encourages the transition of existing critical components to these languages. Additionally, the report suggests following safe coding practices, managing and auditing dependencies, and performing continuous testing to detect and address memory safety issues.

These takeaways provide a comprehensive summary of the key points discussed in the meeting notes.

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