Google Patches 25 Android Flaws, Including Critical Privilege Escalation Bug

Google Patches 25 Android Flaws, Including Critical Privilege Escalation Bug

July 2, 2024 at 11:18AM

Google has released patches for 25 security vulnerabilities in the Android operating system, including a critical flaw in the Framework component. The CVE-2024-31320 bug affects Android versions 12 and 12L, allowing an attacker to escalate privileges. The updates address various high-severity issues and advise users to promptly update their devices.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

– Google has released patches for 25 documented security vulnerabilities in the Android operating system.
– The patches include fixes for a critical-severity flaw in the Framework component, tracked as CVE-2024-31320, which impacts Android versions 12 and 12L and allows an attacker to escalate privileges on a vulnerable device.
– The 2024-07-01 security patch level addresses the critical security vulnerability, along with seven other high-severity issues, including escalation of privilege bugs in Framework and System components, as well as an information disclosure flaw in System.
– The second part of the July 2024 security update (2024-07-05 security patch level) resolves 17 vulnerabilities in Kernel, Arm, Imagination Technologies, MediaTek, and Qualcomm components, bringing the total patched vulnerabilities to 25.
– Users are advised to update their devices as soon as the update becomes available for them to ensure they are protected from these security vulnerabilities.

Additionally, it’s noted that Google did not release new patches as part of the Android Automotive security refresh this month, but assured that the update contains all the Android fixes included in the 2024-07-05 security patch level. Moreover, Google has not yet published a security bulletin detailing the patches rolling out to Pixel devices.

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