Google Pixel 6 series phones bricked after factory reset

Google Pixel 6 series phones bricked after factory reset

July 2, 2024 at 09:51AM

Users of Google Pixel 6 series phones have experienced issues with devices being “bricked” after performing a factory reset. The problem causes an endless loop and impacts the ability to fix it due to OEM locks, with mixed responses from Google on repair support. Owners are advised not to perform factory resets until the issue is resolved.

From the meeting notes, it is clear that there is an emerging issue with Google Pixel 6 series phones being “bricked” after a factory reset. This issue seems to be impacting users who are approaching the typical upgrade cycle for their devices, as well as those who performed factory resets for other reasons.

The issue seems to be characterized by a missing ‘tune2fs’ file error during boot up, leading to an Android recovery screen that prompts the user to perform another factory reset, resulting in an endless loop. This problem is compounded by the inability to configure the bootloader due to OEM locks and the failure of troubleshooting methods and update attempts.

Google’s response to the issue appears to be mixed, with reports of users facing challenges in obtaining proper support, especially as their devices went out of warranty. While Google’s repair services attribute the problem to a motherboard issue and seek high prices for fixing out-of-warranty devices, volunteer moderators on Google forums state that the company’s engineers are investigating the issue, but no specific instructions on resolving the problem have been provided.

Furthermore, it is noted that affected owners are advised not to perform factory resets and to regularly backup data on separate devices until the situation clears up. Additionally, it is highlighted that this is not the first time that Google Pixel device owners have faced serious software/firmware errors, as seen with the January 2024 Android system update.

In summary, the meeting notes outline a significant issue affecting the Google Pixel 6 series phones after a factory reset, leading to basic usability problems. The impact of this issue, the response from Google, and the previous experience with similar problems will need to be carefully monitored and addressed.

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