What Cybersecurity Defense Looks Like for School Districts

What Cybersecurity Defense Looks Like for School Districts

July 2, 2024 at 10:07AM

Schools and libraries globally face a rise in cybersecurity threats, with 29% of U.S. K-12 schools having been attacked, according to the Center for Internet Security. Johnathan Kim, from Woodland Hills School District, discusses the challenges and vulnerabilities schools encounter, emphasizing the need for robust cybersecurity measures and staff education to mitigate risk effectively.

Based on the meeting notes, it is evident that schools and libraries worldwide are facing an increase in cybersecurity threats and attacks. This is reflected in the experiences of the Woodland Hills School District, where Johnathan Kim, the director of technology, shared insights with Dark Reading on the challenges faced by public institutions in establishing effective cybersecurity programs.

Kim highlighted the lack of dedicated cybersecurity personnel in most schools, leading to limited resources and budget for implementing robust cybersecurity measures. This gap makes schools easy targets for cybercriminals who aim to obtain sensitive and personal information from student and business systems.

The Woodland Hills School District itself fell victim to a cyber attack that affected their backups and locked them out of their systems. As a response, Kim prioritized the implementation of two-factor authentication and revoked local admin rights for staff members’ computers to enhance cybersecurity measures.

In providing advice to others working in cybersecurity for school districts, Kim emphasized the importance of effective communication when implementing changes, as well as the continuous self-education and improvement of cybersecurity posture with available resources.

It is clear from the meeting notes that the cybersecurity landscape for schools and libraries presents unique challenges, and the insights shared by Johnathan Kim provide valuable takeaways for addressing these challenges.

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