Twilio Confirms Data Breach After Hackers Leak 33M Authy User Phone Numbers

Twilio Confirms Data Breach After Hackers Leak 33M Authy User Phone Numbers

July 4, 2024 at 03:37AM

Twilio confirmed a data breach where hackers leaked 33 million phone numbers and account IDs associated with Authy. However, Twilio found no evidence of access to its systems and advised users to update security measures. The breach could lead to phishing and smishing attacks, urging heightened awareness among Authy users.

Based on the meeting notes, it is clear that Twilio has confirmed a data breach, with hackers leaking 33 million phone numbers associated with the Authy application. The leaked information also included account IDs and some other non-personal data associated with Authy users. Twilio stated that it detected the threat actors and has taken steps to secure the endpoint that led to the breach. While there is no evidence that the hackers gained access to Twilio’s systems or obtained other sensitive data, Twilio is still urging Authy users to install the latest Android and iOS security updates and to be vigilant against potential phishing and smishing attacks. Additionally, there were several related incidents involving Twilio, such as employees being targeted in smishing and vishing attacks, and customer data being compromised.

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