ViperSoftX Malware Disguises as eBooks on Torrents to Spread Stealthy Attacks

ViperSoftX Malware Disguises as eBooks on Torrents to Spread Stealthy Attacks

July 10, 2024 at 02:22AM

The ViperSoftX malware, distributed as eBooks over torrents, has evolved to use the Common Language Runtime for PowerShell commands within AutoIt, enabling it to evade detection. Its capabilities include exfiltrating sensitive data, distributing other malware, and self-deletion to avoid detection. This sophisticated threat continues to innovate and circumvent defenses, posing a significant risk.

Key takeaways from the meeting notes on ViperSoftX malware:

1. ViperSoftX is a sophisticated malware that uses the Common Language Runtime (CLR) to dynamically load and run PowerShell commands within an AutoIt environment.
2. It was initially detected by Fortinet in 2020 and is known for exfiltrating sensitive information from compromised Windows hosts.
3. The malware has evolved to include advanced anti-analysis techniques and has been used as a delivery vehicle for other malicious software.
4. Attack chains propagating ViperSoftX often leverage cracked software, torrent sites, and eBook lures to deceive users and initiate multi-stage infection sequences.
5. ViperSoftX can harvest system information, scan for cryptocurrency wallets, capture clipboard contents, and download and run additional payloads and commands based on responses from a remote server.
6. The malware also has self-deletion mechanisms to challenge detection and can evade traditional security measures by patching the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI).

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