Data of Millions of mSpy Customers Leaked Online

Data of Millions of mSpy Customers Leaked Online

July 15, 2024 at 10:06AM

Over 310GB of data from spyware maker mSpy, including 2.4 million unique emails, was leaked online and obtained by data breach notification site Have I Been Pwned. The leaked data includes user information, attachments, and support tickets from high-profile individuals. mSpy, advertised as a parental control application, has been misused for surveillance purposes.

Based on the provided meeting notes, here are the key takeaways:

– More than 310 gigabytes of data from mSpy, a spyware maker, was leaked online in June and obtained by data breach notification site Have I Been Pwned.
– The leaked data includes over 2.4 million unique emails and 142 gigabytes of user data, including email addresses, IP addresses, and names obtained from support tickets.
– An additional 176 gigabytes of attachments, such as screen captures of financial transactions, photos of credit cards, and selfies, was also leaked.
– Some of the leaked data includes support tickets from senior-ranking US military personnel, a court judge, a county sheriff’s office, and a government department’s watchdog.
– Leaked email addresses also belong to individuals being monitored through mSpy, journalists, and US law enforcement filing legal demands with the company.
– The leaked information was allegedly stolen from mSpy owner Brainstack’s Zendesk customer support system in May and spans over the past decade.
– mSpy, advertised as a parental control application, is being used as surveillanceware (or spyware) to monitor individuals in real time, without their knowledge or consent, which is illegal.
– The company appears to be aware of the illicit use of the application.
– mSpy has faced at least two previous data breaches in 2015 and 2018, resulting in the leak of user information.

Let me know if you need further details or additional analysis.

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