MxD Research Reveals Major Disconnect Between Perceived and Actual Cybersecurity Capabilities in US Manufacturing

MxD Research Reveals Major Disconnect Between Perceived and Actual Cybersecurity Capabilities in US Manufacturing

July 17, 2024 at 04:55PM

The report from MxD and the National Center for Cybersecurity in Manufacturing highlights the urgent need for the U.S. manufacturing sector to enhance its cybersecurity posture. It reveals that manufacturers are overestimating their capabilities and identifies key areas where additional resources can strengthen cybersecurity infrastructure. The report also emphasizes the importance of preparing and protecting supply chains against cybersecurity threats. For more information, visit

Key Takeaways from Meeting Notes:

– The report titled “Behind the Firewall” from MxD highlights the urgent need for the U.S. manufacturing sector to enhance its cybersecurity posture, as it is the most targeted sector worldwide for cyber-attacks.

– The survey findings reveal that while 76% of manufacturers believe they can prevent and respond to cyber risks, only 34% have comprehensive system security plans in place, and just 43% have a dedicated cybersecurity leader.

– There is a significant gap in cybersecurity leadership between large manufacturers (88% have dedicated cybersecurity leaders) and small- and medium-sized manufacturers (35% have such leaders).

– Encouragingly, 82% of manufacturers have plans to increase cybersecurity spending in the upcoming budget cycle.

– Overconfidence in the sector’s cybersecurity capabilities is noted by MxD CEO Berardino Baratta, highlighting the need for more robust cyber capabilities across the industry.

– The rise in cyber-attacks on the manufacturing sector poses a serious threat, resulting in production shutdowns, logistical delays, and IP theft.

– The report aims to address the need for additional cybersecurity resources by providing insights and tools to advance sector capabilities.

– MxD’s role as the National Center for Cybersecurity in Manufacturing involves collaborating with manufacturers to protect domestic supply chains against cybersecurity threats.

– MxD’s mission involves advancing U.S. manufacturing competitiveness through technology innovation, workforce development, and cybersecurity preparedness in partnership with the Department of Defense.

These takeaways emphasize the critical importance of cybersecurity preparedness for the manufacturing sector and the need for broader adoption of cybersecurity measures and resources across all levels of the industry.

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