DHS Inspector General: Coast Guard Shortcomings Hinder US Maritime Security

DHS Inspector General: Coast Guard Shortcomings Hinder US Maritime Security

July 19, 2024 at 10:35AM

The Coast Guard struggles to secure the US maritime supply chain due to inadequate staffing, training, authority, and cyber expertise. A new report highlights the industry’s reluctance to seek cybersecurity support, blaming the Coast Guard for not fully addressing potential cybersecurity threats. While the Coast Guard has the authority to take greater roles in private sector security, it faces challenges such as insufficient staff with cyber expertise and limited understanding of addressing cybersecurity. Cyber threats to the Maritime Transportation System have increased, and failure to address vulnerabilities could lead to physical danger and disruptions to the global supply chain.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. The Coast Guard is facing challenges in securing the US maritime supply chain due to inadequate staffing, training, authority, and cyber expertise.

2. A report from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General highlighted industry reluctance to seek cybersecurity support and the military’s inability to adequately provide it.

3. The Coast Guard’s “Cyber Protection Teams” offer free cybersecurity help to organizations in the Maritime Transportation System (MTS), but only 36% of qualifying organizations have taken them up on it, with the private sector showing hesitancy.

4. The Coast Guard lacks the authority, training, and expertise to enforce private industry compliance with standard cybersecurity practices.

5. The Biden administration has empowered the Coast Guard to take on a greater role in private sector security, including response efforts after cyber incidents and establishing minimum cybersecurity requirements for the industry.

6. The Coast Guard has seen a significant rise in reported ransomware incidents and other cyber disruptions in the maritime industry, with the potential for significant impacts on the global supply chain in the event of major disruptions.

These takeaways indicate a clear need for improved staffing, training, and authority within the Coast Guard to address cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the maritime industry and protect the global supply chain.

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