MSPs & MSSPs: How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

MSPs & MSSPs: How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

July 22, 2024 at 07:54AM

vCISOs play a crucial role in client cybersecurity, with the recent publication of a playbook for vCISOs gaining traction. A new article, focused on enhancing vCISO reporting, provides insights from a recent workshop. It emphasizes the value of making clients the hero of their security journey and outlines the benefits and essential sections of vCISO reporting.

Based on the meeting notes, here are the key takeaways:
1. The focus of vCISO reporting should be on making the client the hero of their security journey, rather than simply demonstrating the activities of the vCISO.
2. vCISO reporting provides benefits for both the vCISO and the client, including ensuring alignment with client expectations, driving retention and sales, and simplifying decision-making for the client.
3. A well-structured vCISO report should ideally cover four essential sections: General Recap, Tactical Review, Strategic Review, and Future Initiatives.
4. Each section of the report serves a specific purpose, such as providing an overview, telling stories with data, creating a prioritized security journey, and discussing future initiatives.

It seems like the article and the workshop covered important aspects of vCISO reporting and its value for both the vCISO and the client. If there are specific questions or additional details needed, feel free to ask for further clarification.

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