Why NDR is Key to Cyber ‘Pest Control’

Why NDR is Key to Cyber 'Pest Control'

July 23, 2024 at 12:16PM

NDR, or Network Detection and Response, is compared to “pest control” to emphasize its importance in identifying cyber intruders and closing security gaps. It provides a complete view of the network environment, allowing security teams to trace intruder paths and respond effectively. NDR, along with EDR and ASM, forms a strong cybersecurity defense.

From the provided meeting notes, it is evident that Network Detection and Response (NDR) is crucial for cybersecurity, akin to how a mouse problem in a house requires understanding how the rodents are getting in. NDR allows tracing intruders’ pathways, understanding their entry points, and effectively responding to close security gaps. It complements Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), providing a more complete cybersecurity approach. Additionally, Attack Surface Management (ASM) helps map out potential areas of breach and infestation. The combination of EDR, NDR, and ASM is emphasized as essential for comprehensive cybersecurity capabilities. Understanding and managing user behaviors and identities are also highlighted as key components for effective security management. The meeting notes provide valuable insights into the importance of NDR in navigating and mitigating cyber threats.

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