Is Our Water Safe to Drink? Securing Our Critical Infrastructure

Is Our Water Safe to Drink? Securing Our Critical Infrastructure

July 25, 2024 at 10:06AM

Cybersecurity risks extend to operational technology (OT), often overlooked by IT and cybersecurity professionals. Lack of attention on OT attacks, such as those on critical infrastructure, highlights the need for better security measures. Proposed solutions include risk management, visibility, documentation, and secure remote access. Challenges persist due to limited tools, network configurations, and potential operational downtime. Urgent action is necessary to protect critical infrastructure and ensure safety and reliability.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. Operational technology (OT) is a critical and often overlooked component of cybersecurity risk, with a significant impact on infrastructures such as water, power, and healthcare systems.

2. The lack of attention on OT attacks, despite their potential severe impacts, highlights the need for increased focus on securing OT environments.

3. Reimagining OT security involves implementing a solid risk management plan, gaining visibility into OT environments, understanding normal operations, and having protective mechanisms in place.

4. Protecting OT infrastructure is challenging due to the lack of integration between IT and OT systems and the limitations of existing tools tailored for either IT or OT.

5. Proposed solutions for managing risk in OT environments include understanding data flow, utilizing tools that require specific network configurations, and potentially undertaking network resegmentation projects.

6. Securing critical infrastructure is urgent and requires a proactive approach, investment in education, and collaboration between IT and OT professionals to mitigate looming threats and ensure safety and reliability.

These takeaways emphasize the importance of addressing the cybersecurity risks associated with operational technology and the critical need to protect essential infrastructures from potential cyber threats.

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