Patch management still seemingly abysmal because no one wants the job

Patch management still seemingly abysmal because no one wants the job

July 25, 2024 at 03:33AM

Patching remains a challenging and laborious task for IT professionals, with low success rates and growing complexities from an increasing number of software applications and vulnerabilities. While automation tools and improved visibility in endpoint management products offer potential solutions, lack of ownership and reluctance to adopt new approaches are hindering progress.

The meeting notes provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges associated with patching in IT operations and the critical importance of keeping systems updated. Despite increased awareness of the necessity of patching, organizations continue to struggle with achieving high patch rates and managing the complexities of the process.

Some key takeaways include:

– Organizations typically only manage to successfully fix between 75 and 85 percent of issues in their software, which falls short of the ideal 97 to 99 percent patch rate.
– While there is a growing understanding of the criticality of patching from a business perspective, challenges such as bandwidth issues, an increasing number of third-party apps, and architectural complexities continue to hinder efficient patch management.
– Security vulnerabilities continue to proliferate, posing a significant risk to unpatched systems, and the influx of vulnerabilities has overwhelmed the tech industry’s ability to keep up with patching.
– Lack of ownership and responsibility for patching is a major obstacle, leading to complications in defining who is accountable for patching, especially at the application level.
– Modern automation tools and unified vulnerability and patch management capabilities in IT operations tools offer potential solutions, but organizations have been hesitant to adopt them due to ownership issues and a desire for hands-on control over patching.

In conclusion, while the challenges of patching persist, potential solutions such as automation and improved visibility through modern tools exist. However, overcoming technical debt, addressing ownership challenges, and prioritizing patch management are crucial for organizations to improve their patching posture. The meeting notes emphasize the need for IT teams to work together to address these issues and demonstrate the value of proactive and efficient patch management.

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