Respect your data, and protect it

Respect your data, and protect it

August 2, 2024 at 11:08AM

Businesses need to ensure secure access to AI applications without compromising data security. Anand Oswal of Palo Alto Networks highlights the widespread use of generative AI applications by employees and the emerging AI-driven solutions. However, he warns of potential security risks and vulnerabilities in supply chains. Anand advocates for Palo Alto Networks’ AI Access Security platform to protect sensitive data.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

– Anand Oswal, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Network Security at Palo Alto Networks, emphasizes the widespread use of generative AI (GenAI) applications by employees without the knowledge or consent of the IT department.

– The rapid emergence of thousands of new AI-powered business solutions across various categories poses the risk of expanding the attack surface and introducing vulnerabilities into supply chains.

– Anand discusses the importance of securing AI applications in the workplace to protect sensitive data and prevent malicious attacks in the video “Securing AI by Design.”

– Palo Alto Networks’ AI Access Security platform provides complete visibility and automated recommendations for security policies to ensure data privacy.

– Testimonies from Palo Alto Networks’ customers, including CostCo, Better, NetApp, Dell, and Sable, underline the need to ensure that the data used by AI-enabled apps is tagged as proprietary and confidential.

For more detailed information, the participants can watch Anand’s presentation by clicking the provided link.

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