Chinese Volt Typhoon Exploits Versa Director Flaw, Targets U.S. and Global IT Sectors

Chinese Volt Typhoon Exploits Versa Director Flaw, Targets U.S. and Global IT Sectors

August 27, 2024 at 10:33AM

Volt Typhoon, a China-based cyber espionage group, has been linked with exploiting a high-severity security flaw in Versa Director. The attacks targeted U.S. and non-U.S. victims in ISP, MSP, and IT sectors. The flaw allows malicious file uploads, potentially leading to large-scale supply chain attacks. Recommendations include security mitigations and network traffic monitoring. Volt Typhoon, operating under various aliases, is known for targeting critical infrastructure in the U.S. and Guam and has been active for at least five years.

Based on the meeting notes, here are the key takeaways:

1. Volt Typhoon, an advanced persistent threat group, has been attributed with using a zero-day security flaw (CVE-2024-39717) to target Versa Director systems, impacting U.S. and non-U.S. victims in the ISP, MSP, and IT sectors.

2. Versa Director’s file upload bug allowed malicious files disguised as PNG images to be uploaded by users with specific privileges, enabling Volt Typhoon to deploy a custom web shell (VersaMem) for credential harvesting and network traffic manipulation.

3. The web shell is modular and employs Java code to intercept credentials and execute arbitrary code in-memory, evading file-based detection methods. These actions result in a large-scale supply chain attack.

4. To counter the threat, necessary mitigations should be applied, external access to specific ports blocked, searches conducted for PNG images, and network traffic originating from SOHO devices to port 4566 on Versa Director servers scanned.

5. Volt Typhoon, also known as Bronze Silhouette, Insidious Taurus, UNC3236, Vanguard Panda, and Voltzite, has a history of targeting critical infrastructure facilities in the U.S. and Guam with the objective of maintaining stealthy access and exfiltrating sensitive data.

6. Volt Typhoon’s persistence and evolution highlight the indirect targeting of ultimate victims by exploiting products’ customers, making it essential for enterprises to be vigilant about potential highly skilled nation-state actor attention.

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