UnDisruptable27 Project Wants to Shore Up Critical Infrastructure Security

UnDisruptable27 Project Wants to Shore Up Critical Infrastructure Security

September 12, 2024 at 08:09AM

UnDisruptable27 aims to prepare for cyberattacks on critical infrastructure in the US, focusing on water, emergency medical care, food supply chains, and power supplies. Led by the Institute for Security and Technology, the initiative is funded by Craig Newmark Philanthropies and will engage stakeholders to make infrastructure “undisruptable” by 2027.

The meeting notes you provided detail the purpose and goals of the UnDisruptable27 initiative, which aims to prepare local communities in the United States for potential cyberattacks on critical infrastructure. The project, led by the Institute for Security and Technology and funded by a grant from Craig Newmark Philanthropies, focuses on key areas such as water and wastewater, emergency medical care and hospital services, food supply chains, and local power supplies. The initiative involves engaging stakeholders to address concerns and limitations, with an ultimate goal of making critical infrastructure supporting basic human needs “undisruptable” by 2027.

The project’s leaders emphasize the growing threat of cyberattacks on essential services and the need to build resilience within local communities. They also highlight the vulnerabilities of under-resourced organizations and smaller communities, which can become attractive targets for cyber attackers. As part of its approach, the UnDisruptable27 initiative plans to leverage communications strategies and narrative to influence communities to prepare, along with potential collaboration with the Consortium of Cyber Security Clinics to provide assistance to under-resourced organizations.

The meeting notes draw attention to the urgency of addressing the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure at the local level and advocate for proactive measures to help these institutions protect themselves in a sustainable fashion.

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