How to Investigate ChatGPT activity in Google Workspace

How to Investigate ChatGPT activity in Google Workspace

September 17, 2024 at 07:33AM

OpenAI introduced improvements to data analysis in ChatGPT, allowing users to integrate with Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. However, this deep integration raises cybersecurity challenges. The post advises how to monitor and manage these connections in Google Workspace and recommends Nudge Security for discovering and managing all genAI integrations to enhance data security.

From the meeting notes, it is clear that the integration of ChatGPT with Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive presents both productivity benefits and significant security risks for organizations. The meeting highlighted the importance of understanding and addressing these risks through proper governance and security measures.

The notes also introduced Nudge Security as a tool that provides visibility, context, and automation to help businesses adopt genAI tools without compromising data security. Nudge Security is designed to discover all genAI apps introduced to an organization and their integrations into other applications, provide OAuth grant oversight, and enable organizations to establish custom rules for alerts and nudges related to genAI tools.

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