How to reduce cyber risk during employee onboarding

How to reduce cyber risk during employee onboarding

September 19, 2024 at 12:00PM

The article discusses the security risks associated with onboarding new employees and why they are attractive targets for cybercriminals. It highlights how hackers exploit new employees’ lack of familiarity and eagerness to make a positive impression. The article provides best practices for mitigating these risks, including implementing secure password distribution and conducting regular security awareness training.

The meeting notes highlight the importance of onboarding new employees while addressing the potential security risks associated with this process. The notes emphasize that new employees are particularly susceptible to social engineering attacks and phishing attempts due to their unfamiliarity with the organization’s processes and protocols. Furthermore, the risk is exacerbated by the common practice of sharing passwords via insecure methods, such as plain text SMS or email.

To mitigate these risks, the meeting notes propose several best practices:

1. Adhering to the principle of least privilege when setting up new user accounts.
2. Establishing clear cybersecurity policies and ensuring their comprehensive communication to new hires during onboarding.
3. Conducting regular security awareness training for all employees, including new hires.
4. Implementing secure password distribution solutions, such as Specops’ First Day Password tool.

It is suggested that adopting these best practices can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and ensure the protection of the organization’s digital assets. Additionally, the notes mention the opportunity to explore Specops’ solutions for enhancing organizational security.

If you have any further questions or require additional information, please feel free to ask.

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