Passwordless AND Keyless: The Future of (Privileged) Access Management

Passwordless AND Keyless: The Future of (Privileged) Access Management

September 20, 2024 at 07:39AM

Traditional privileged access management (PAM) solutions struggle to effectively handle SSH keys, which functionally differ from passwords. SSH keys outnumber passwords and grant widespread access, yet aren’t managed centrally, posing a security risk. Modern ephemeral access solutions bypass the need to manage passwords or keys, offering improved security and reduced complexity. This innovative approach can future-proof IT environments effectively.

Based on the provided meeting notes, there are several key takeaways about the management of SSH keys and the limitations of traditional Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions in handling them effectively:

1. SSH keys are access credentials in the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, and they are functionally different from passwords. They provide access to valuable resources and can open doors to multiple servers, posing significant security risks.

2. Traditional PAM solutions were primarily designed to vault passwords and are not well-equipped to effectively manage SSH keys. They struggle to discover, let alone manage, a significant percentage of SSH keys, leading to a lack of control and oversight in large-scale IT environments.

3. The proliferation of SSH keys and their lack of identity by default make them susceptible to unauthorized duplication, sharing, and prolonged use, contributing to security vulnerabilities and a lack of control over machine SSH credentials.

4. The limitations of traditional PAMs in managing SSH keys highlight the need for a modern, comprehensive solution that provides efficient management of both passwords and keys without the need for traditional management approaches.

5. The proposal of a modern ephemeral access solution, which grants temporary access credentials just-in-time for the session and automatically expires them after use, offers a forward-looking approach to reducing the attack surface, minimizing complexity, and enhancing security.

6. The recommendation is to consider moving towards a credential-less approach to access and secrets management, which eliminates the need to directly manage passwords and keys, contributing to reduced complexity, improved security, and lower operational costs.

Based on these notes, it is evident that the organization should consider exploring modern solutions, like the PrivX Zero Trust Suite, that offer a comprehensive approach to access and secrets management, including SSH key management, in order to address the limitations of traditional PAMs and ensure a more secure and future-proof environment.

If there are any further details or specific action points required from these meeting notes, please let me know, and I can provide a more tailored response.

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