So how’s Microsoft’s Secure Future Initiative going?

So how's Microsoft's Secure Future Initiative going?

September 23, 2024 at 11:06AM

Microsoft today celebrated the progress of its Secure Future Initiative (SFI), highlighting the dedication of 34,000 full-time engineers. SFI was launched following security criticisms, and recent efforts included increased cybersecurity priority, personalized training, and engineering improvements. Specific progress in identity protection, network security, and threat detection were outlined, along with the establishment of a Cybersecurity Governance Council. Executives’ compensation based on cybersecurity performance was confirmed, although further details were not disclosed.

Key takeaways from the meeting notes:
– Microsoft has dedicated 34,000 full-time engineers to its Secure Future Initiative (SFI) and provided a progress report on efforts to improve security in its products and services.
– SFI was launched following widespread criticism of Microsoft’s security failings, with specific incidents involving Chinese and Kremlin spies.
– CEO Satya Nadella and Microsoft Security EVP Charlie Bell made public pledges to prioritize security, linking cybersecurity performance to senior executives’ compensation plans and emphasizing security as a core priority for all employees’ performance reviews.
– Specific details about compensation tied to infosec efforts and progress were not disclosed by Microsoft.
– Microsoft launched the Microsoft Security Academy in July to provide security-specific trainings for its employees.
– The report highlighted progress in six SFI engineering “pillars”, such as protecting identities and secrets, isolating production systems, protecting networks, engineering systems, monitoring and detecting threats, and advancing response and remediation.
– There is a governance piece under SFI involving the establishment of a Cybersecurity Governance Council and appointment of 13 Deputy Chief Information Security Officers (deputy CISOs) responsible for spearheading SFI company-wide.
– Bell emphasized the need for Microsoft to evolve with cyberthreats and prioritize actions over words to effectively protect customers and its internal environment against evolving threats.

Please let me know if you need further information or if there are specific details you would like to focus on.

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