The “Llama” is freed: Winamp goes open source after 27 years


September 25, 2024 at 10:38AM

The iconic Winamp media player, launched in 1997, has fulfilled its pledge to go open-source by publishing its complete source code on GitHub. This move allows developers to contribute, create new projects, or incorporate the code into other media players. It also enables updating to newer technologies, with potential for nostalgia-driven embracement and porting to Linux.

From the provided meeting notes, it is clear that the iconic Winamp media player, initially launched in 1997 by Nullsoft, has officially gone open-source. The complete source code, build tools, and associated libraries for the Windows app have been published on GitHub, allowing developers to contribute to its development, create new projects, or incorporate parts of the code into other media players.

Given Winamp’s historical significance and its wide compatibility with audio formats, the release of its source code has been met with enthusiasm from the developer community. The GitHub repository has already garnered 2,500 stars and 600 forks less than 24 hours after the code was made public.

With its iconic status and the nostalgia it evokes among users, it is expected that the project will be embraced warmly by both developers and users. The release of the source code also presents an opportunity for Linux enthusiasts to port the project to their platform or create clones that closely resemble the original player.

While the transition to newer technologies may require time and effort due to Winamp’s use of DirectX 9 SDK, the prospect of improving and modernizing the media player to meet current user needs is promising.

Overall, the release of the Winamp source code marks a significant milestone, opening up avenues for collaboration and innovation within the developer community and potentially breathing new life into this iconic media player.

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