Cybersecurity Success Hinges on Full Organizational Support, New CompTIA Report Asserts

Cybersecurity Success Hinges on Full Organizational Support, New CompTIA Report Asserts

September 26, 2024 at 04:34PM

According to CompTIA’s “State of Cybersecurity 2025” report, cybersecurity is a top priority for 98% of organizations, but only 25% believe that cybersecurity is improving dramatically. The report highlights a need for increased expertise, with a focus on hiring, training, and AI integration. The full report is available at

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. Cybersecurity is the top technology priority for 98% of organizations, but there is a disconnect between aspirations and reality regarding the improvement of cybersecurity efforts.

2. CompTIA’s “State of Cybersecurity 2025” report emphasizes the need for a top-to-bottom commitment from organizations to achieve ideal cybersecurity.

3. Building multiple layers of cybersecurity expertise is crucial, with considerations for new hiring, training for current cybersecurity workforce, and offering cybersecurity certifications as a way of establishing core concepts within the team.

4. Financial commitment remains a challenge for some organizations when it comes to hiring and training for cybersecurity, despite cybersecurity being a high priority.

5. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to accelerate, automate, and complicate cybersecurity efforts, with current AI-enabled use cases including monitoring network traffic, generating defense tests, and predicting future breaches.

6. CompTIA is the world’s leading information technology (IT) certification and training body, committed to unlocking the potential of every individual seeking to begin or advance in a technology career.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the “State of Cybersecurity 2025” report available at and the official website of CompTIA at

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