Overloaded with SIEM Alerts? Discover Effective Strategies in This Expert-Led Webinar

Overloaded with SIEM Alerts? Discover Effective Strategies in This Expert-Led Webinar

September 26, 2024 at 08:54AM

Join Zuri Cortez and Seth Geftic for a webinar on “Solving the SIEM Problem: A Hard Reset on Legacy Solutions” to tackle the challenges of security alerts and the limitations of traditional SIEM solutions. Gain insights into a new approach focusing on actionable insights and real-world solutions to enhance security. Whether seasoned or new, this webinar is for all.

Based on the meeting notes from “The Hacker News Threat Detection / IT Security” webinar, the key takeaways are:

1. Security alerts can feel overwhelming, like trying to find a needle in a burning haystack with a million other needles.
2. The webinar will address the challenges with traditional SIEM solutions and present a new approach focused on actionable insights to manage security effectively.
3. Zuri Cortez and Seth Geftic will share insider knowledge, battle-tested strategies, and real-world solutions to help organizations take control of their security and build a more resilient defense.
4. The webinar is relevant for both seasoned security professionals and those just starting their journey in security.

This insightful session promises to help transform the approach to security and build a safer future for organizations.

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