Leveraging Sandbox and Threat Intelligence Feeds to Combat Cyber Threats

November 20, 2023 at 03:08AM A proactive cybersecurity approach requires comprehensive information on threats and vulnerabilities. Malware sandboxes offer isolated environments to analyze malware, while threat intelligence feeds provide real-time information on threats. Combining these tools allows organizations to detect, analyze, and respond to threats more effectively, enhancing detection capabilities, reducing false positives, improving incident … Read more

Malicious Notepad++ Google ads evade detection for months

October 17, 2023 at 03:52PM A malvertising campaign targeting users searching for the Notepad++ text editor has gone undetected for months. The campaign uses misleading titles in Google search result ads, leading users to a decoy site or a malicious website that serves a payload, likely Cobalt Strike. To avoid downloading malware, avoid clicking on … Read more