Spyware Designed for Telegram Mods Also Targets WhatsApp Add-Ons

November 3, 2023 at 10:14AM Attackers have been distributing spyware through modified versions of WhatsApp and Telegram, collecting private data from Android users. Kaspersky researchers detected 340,000 attempts to distribute the spyware through WhatsApp mods, with the real number of installations likely being higher. The majority of victims were in Azerbaijan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, … Read more

It’s Cheap to Exploit Software — and That’s a Major Security Problem

November 1, 2023 at 10:09AM The cost to hack an iPhone ranges from $0 to $65,000 depending on security updates. Exploiting an individual’s iPhone can cost up to $8 million. Apple’s investment in hardening the iPhone has contributed to the higher cost compared to exploiting software like Adobe Acrobat. Big tech companies have spent significant … Read more

Flipper Zero Bluetooth spam attacks ported to new Android app

October 31, 2023 at 04:13PM Software developer Simon Dankelmann has created an Android app called ‘Bluetooth-LE-Spam’ that can generate Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) spam alerts on Android and Windows devices. The app can simulate various devices and send frequent connection requests, potentially disrupting Bluetooth-connected devices like mice and keyboards. While the app is currently in … Read more

Arid Viper Camouflages Malware in Knockoff Dating App

October 31, 2023 at 01:55PM APT group Arid Viper is targeting Arabic-speaking Android users with a fake dating app called Skipped. It collects sensitive user information by sharing malicious links disguised as updates. The attackers control the domains used in the campaign and have been active since April 2022. The malware can disable security notifications … Read more