Hacker defaces spyware app’s site, dumps database and source code

May 24, 2024 at 06:35PM The pcTattletale spyware website was hacked, and databases and source code data were leaked, exposing a serious security flaw. Despite attempts to contact the developers, the vulnerability remains unresolved. A security researcher discovered the flaw and exposed it, prompting a hacker to deface the website and leak data. Meanwhile, the … Read more

Cryptojackers steal AWS credentials from GitHub in 5 minutes

October 30, 2023 at 02:36PM Security researchers have discovered a long-running cryptojacking campaign called “EleKtra-Leak” that clones GitHub repositories and steals exposed AWS credentials. The criminals behind the campaign are able to steal AWS credentials within minutes of them being exposed. They launch multiple Amazon EC2 instances to mine Monero. The researchers identified 474 miners … Read more