UK trio pleads guilty to operating $10M MFA bypass biz

September 3, 2024 at 05:37PM Three men in the UK have pleaded guilty to running a multifactor authentication (MFA) bypass ring, potentially making up to £7.9 million in less than two years. The trio operated, providing cybercriminals with tools to bypass MFA and access bank accounts. They face up to 14 years in prison … Read more

Admins of MFA bypass service plead guilty to fraud

September 3, 2024 at 11:00AM Three individuals pleaded guilty to running OTP.Agency, an online platform that provided social engineering help to obtain one-time passcodes from customers of various banks and services in the U.K. They targeted more than 12,500 people, promising to deliver OTPs for over 30 online services for weekly subscriptions ranging from £30 … Read more

Admins of MFA bypass service plead guilty to fraud

September 2, 2024 at 01:51PM Three men pleaded guilty to running OTP.Agency, an online platform that provided social engineering help to obtain OTPs from customers of U.K. banks. They targeted over 12,500 people and made potential earnings of up to £7.9 million. The trio faces fraud and money laundering charges, with maximum prison sentences of … Read more

New V3B phishing kit targets customers of 54 European banks

June 4, 2024 at 02:56PM Cybercriminals are promoting ‘V3B,’ a new phishing kit on Telegram targeting customers of major financial institutions in multiple European countries. The kit, priced between $130-$450 per month, features advanced obfuscation, localization options, and a live chat for real-time interactions to obtain sensitive information. This indicates a growing trend in cybercrime. … Read more

Finland warns of Android malware attacks breaching bank accounts

May 5, 2024 at 12:10PM Traficom warns of an ongoing Android malware campaign targeting bank accounts in Finland. Scammers send SMS messages impersonating banks, instructing victims to install a fake McAfee app, which is actually malware. The Vultur trojan is suspected, with a new version using smishing and phone call attacks. Victims who have installed … Read more