FreeBSD Foundation hands out Beacon gongs for safer software

March 26, 2024 at 06:23AM The Beacon Awards recognized projects focusing on safer software for CHERI-enabled hardware and CheriBSD. The awards were part of the FreeBSD Foundation and UK government’s Digital Security by Design initiative. Winners included Mojo JVM, Intravisor, and Capabilities Limited for their work in memory-secure Java runtime, virtualization host, and refactoring web … Read more

ISAs and the Dawning Hardware Security Revolution

December 20, 2023 at 08:27PM The perpetual battle between IT security improvements and evolving attacker exploits has traditionally focused on software advancements. However, emerging hardware security technologies, particularly advanced instruction set architecture (ISA) extensions, have the potential to revolutionize IT security. Collaborative open-source efforts are driving progress in this area and will play a crucial … Read more

ISAs and the Dawning Hardware Security Revolution

December 20, 2023 at 08:19PM Evolution of IT security presents a dynamic battleground between software sophistication and hardware advancements. While software remains the primary focus, emerging hardware technologies, such as advanced instruction set architecture (ISA) extensions, promise groundbreaking contributions to IT security capabilities. Open source technologies, like Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI), exemplify the … Read more