8 Degrees of Secure Access Service Edge      

May 30, 2024 at 07:54AM The shift from traditional WAN to agile architectures like SASE demands a thorough migration plan to ensure successful implementation. Eight key steps include assembling a diverse team, defining objectives and requirements, future-proofing the deployment, selecting a provider, planning gradual deployment, building a business case, and conducting Proof of Concept before … Read more

In the Context of Cloud, Security and Mobility, It’s Time Organizations Ditch Legacy MPLS

January 25, 2024 at 12:48PM The text highlights the challenges faced by modern organizations with MPLS, citing its outdated design, high costs, and limitations in service level agreements. It discusses the potential replacement of MPLS with alternatives such as the internet, SD-WAN, and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), emphasizing the benefits and growing adoption of … Read more