Ransomware Extortion Demands Soar to $5.2M per Attack

July 3, 2024 at 12:13PM In 2024, ransomware demands have soared, with an average extortion demand per attack surpassing $5.2 million in the first half of the year. The largest demand was $100 million following an attack on India’s RCC, followed by demands of $50 million and $25 million for other organizations. Despite a decrease … Read more

eBay, VMware, McAfee Sites Hijacked in Sprawling Phishing Operation

February 27, 2024 at 12:23PM The Economist and 8,000 other entities were compromised in Operation SubdoMailing, part of a larger single threat actor operation. Trusted brands, such as The Economist, were affected. It appears that Trusted brands like The Economist are among 8,000 entities compromised by Operation SubdoMailing, which is part of a larger operation … Read more