BlackCat Goes Dark After Ripping Off Change Healthcare Ransom

March 5, 2024 at 05:23PM United Healthcare’s Change Healthcare subsidiary paid $22 million to ransomware attackers, but the move didn’t resolve the cyber incident. There are allegations of the attackers stealing the money and threatening to leak stolen data. The ransomware gang, BlackCat, is speculated to be undergoing an exit strategy, possibly related to Bitcoin … Read more

ALPHV/BlackCat claims responsibility for Change Healthcare attack

February 28, 2024 at 07:38PM The ALPHV/BlackCat cybercrime gang has claimed responsibility for a ransomware attack on Change Healthcare, impacting pharmacies and hospitals across the US. They allege to have stolen significant sensitive data, but their credibility is questionable. UnitedHealth Group is investigating the incident and coordinating with law enforcement and cybersecurity experts. The healthcare … Read more

Nigerian President Dismisses Nation’s ‘Cybercrime Haven’ Image

February 5, 2024 at 01:09PM Nigeria’s President Tinubu condemned the “Nigerian Prince” stereotype and addressed the global issue of cybercrime, emphasizing its impact on international reputation. He pledged government support to combat cybercriminals. EFCC chairman Olukoyede expressed concern about youth involvement in cybercrime, advocating for mentorship to steer them towards fulfilling careers instead. Cybersecurity specialist … Read more