CISO Corner: Deep Dive Into SecOps, Insurance, & CISOs’ Evolving Role

January 26, 2024 at 09:08AM CISO Corner is a weekly digest of articles tailored to security operations readers and leaders, providing a diverse set of perspectives on operationalizing cybersecurity strategies. This issue covers topics including the struggle for C-suite status, rising cyber-insurance premiums, missing cybersecurity measures, budget constraints, securing AI/ML tools, top priorities for CISOs … Read more

Your Cybersecurity Budget Is a Horse’s Rear End

January 12, 2024 at 10:14AM The design of the space shuttle and cybersecurity budgets are compared to the size of a horse’s hindquarters, suggesting that budget limitations are based on past budgets and may not adequately address current challenges. The article encourages a realistic assessment of cybersecurity programs and consideration of reengineering budget processes. Based … Read more

Harry Coker Confirmed as National Cyber Director

December 13, 2023 at 07:00AM The US Senate confirmed Harry Coker as the new National Cyber Director in the White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD). Coker, previously executive director of the NSA, aims to continue ONCD’s work. The role was established in 2021 after the SolarWinds hack. His confirmation was praised for … Read more