Persistent Burnout Is Still a Crisis in Cybersecurity

May 23, 2024 at 08:27AM Dr. Ryan Louie, a psychiatrist, emphasizes the importance of psychological safety for cybersecurity practitioners in dealing with burnout. Malcolm Harkins, a cybersecurity expert, highlights the persistent demands contributing to burnout and suggests community building and cultural shifts as solutions. Open communication and support networks can help alleviate the isolation and … Read more

Break Security Burnout: Combining Leadership With Neuroscience

April 18, 2024 at 09:56AM Cybersecurity professionals are facing a burnout epidemic, impacting both mental health and organizational security. Peter Coroneos and Kayla Williams aim to address this crisis through empathetic leadership and resilience training. They will be speaking at the RSA Conference to present their strategies and solutions to combat burnout in the industry. … Read more

Ransomware attacks hospitalizing security pros, as one admits suicidal feelings

January 18, 2024 at 12:05PM Ransomware attacks have been linked to psychological and physical illnesses among cybersecurity workers. The Royal United Services Institute’s research uncovered stories of stress-related heart attacks, hospitalizations, and even suicidal thoughts, shedding light on the toll of dealing with these attacks. The report emphasizes the widespread and lasting psychological and social … Read more